Your thesis
deserves an award.
Does your thesis talk about digital or sustainability?
A prize of 2500 euros for you.
What is digital sustainability
Digital is increasingly the engine of development. If we want to live in a better world, development must be increasingly sustainable. Digital Sustainability concerns the interactions of digitization and digital transformation with respect to environmental, economic and social sustainability. Using digital in a sustainable way and using it for sustainability is the way to build a better future.

An award for sustainability talents
We decided to establish this award because we believe that the diffusion of a culture of Digital Sustainability must start from school and that students can be the first and most important ambassadors of this message.

Participating is easy
If your thesis talks about digital, technology, innovation, if it talks about how to optimize processes, how to save money, how to protect the environment and people, your thesis is most likely already addressing the issue of Digital Sustainability. Nominees for the award.

Who can participate?
Anyone who has presented or defended a master’s or doctoral degree thesis can participate.
Which faculties are admitted?
All faculties, both scientific and humanistic.
How do you participate?
Participating is very simple. All you need to do is enter your data and upload the pdf of the candidate thesis to the platform.
When can you participate?
The thesis registration and upload platform will remain open from 15 March 2023 to 31 March 2024.
3 Categories, 3 Awards
Best Master Thesis
Best Doctoral Thesis
Best “ICT WOMEN” Master’s or Doctoral Thesis written by a woman
Furthermore, for the first 10 classified there will be the possibility of carrying out a job shadowing course at EHT and the companies of its Consortium.
Who is the award sponsored by

EHT Consortium
The EHT consortium is made up of a group of 60 companies with 173 offices located throughout the country and a workforce of over 2300 people. EHT with an aggregate turnover of over €.270 million is a point of reference for the country’s digitization process.
Digital Sustainability Foundation
The Digital Sustainability Foundation is the first recognized research foundation in Italy that analyzes the correlations between digital transformation and sustainability with the aim of supporting institutions and businesses in building a better future. Its mission is to study the dynamics induced by digital transformation, with particular reference to the impacts on environmental, cultural, social and economic sustainability. With this in mind, the Foundation develops research activities, provides readings and interpretations of the digital transformation, offers operational indications for the actors involved, intercepts the trends of change and analyzes their impacts with respect to sustainable development.

Presentation roadshow
The award will be presented at major Italian universities.

8 May 2023
Università degli Studi di Cagliari

11 May 2023
Università per Stranieri di Perugia

October 2023
Sapienza Università di Roma

NovembER 2023
Università degli Studi di Palermo
They say about the project
Stefano Epifani, President of the Digital Sustainability Foundation

With the Foundation we carry out many activities that aim to spread the culture of Digital Sustainability. The Digital Sustainability Award is the project that most represents our mission: to help create a better future. And today’s young graduates will be the protagonists of this future.
Emanuele Spampinato, President of EHT

Discovering and enhancing talent in the digital field is one of the main objectives of the EHT Consortium. We have decided to promote the Digital Sustainability Award to also discover the talents of Digital Sustainability. In addition to the cash prize, job shadowing in our companies is a way to make students’ commitment concrete.